Thursday, February 7, 2013

On Finding Your Way Back

I saw a friend's FB post today, asking for prayers as he was headed back to his health club for the first time since October. Now one thing's for sure - he'll need a lot more than prayers. Like maybe some ibuprofen and a heating pad tomorrow, and tons of encouragement to continue showing up and putting in the time day after day as he attempts to regain fitness lost over the last three months. Most people admittedly struggle with consistency when it comes to doing those things that they inherently know are good for them. Why? Because those things also tend to be difficult, challenging, and at times painful. There's a reason they say "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it". The gyms are full in January, but they'll begin to empty out in early February and by March, the vast majority of those who made the commitment to get back into the gym or a regular workout routine have packed it in. People find their way back, but staying on track proves the more difficult challenge. Usually it's life change or a calendar change or an upcoming event (think wedding, reunion, vacation) which inspires someone to make one more attempt at carving out the time for their health - but unless it becomes a lifestyle change, something they eventually adopt as mission critical as eating or breathing, chances are there will come a day when once again they will lose their way.

Here's the reality - the gyms are always there. They remain the constant. There will always be options for folks who WANT to make the physical commitment to a life of health and well being. Finding your way back to one is the easy part. Staying committed and remaining there long after the "need" passes is a far more difficult challenge. I find the same applies to our relationship with God. He's the constant. We ebb and flow, in and out of the relationship, quite often finding our way back to Him when we've got a problem or a need. Staying connected, staying committed to the relationship seems far more challenging. Like our workouts and physical pursuits, life gets in the way and robs us of our time and soon enough it's no longer a priority. Until, of course, our world caves in and we realize we need Him. As with our health, we'd all be so much better off never having to find our way back because we've never left. But that takes the same discipline, commitment, and intention. It doesn't just happen. It needs to become second nature, and while it's not always easy, it's always worthwhile. Surround yourself with people who will hold you accountable, who will encourage your walk, and who will help you mind the gap, find your way back, and stay on track. BELIEVE. 

"And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart" - Jeremiah 24:7

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