I was in the middle of my Saturday long distance run this morning and happened across the starting line of The Spirit of Gettysburg 5K race. There were close to 1,000 people gathered just a few minutes before race time, and knowing the course ran through the scenic and historical battlefields, I decided to slip in and run. Note I didn't say "race". I was very intentional about backing off the pace and enjoying the 3.1 mile loop. It was the first time in my entire 30+ years of racing that I joined a race with no number, no goal time, no expectations, and no pressure. And it was fun! I talked to and encouraged people along the way, took in the monuments, and avoided the painful lactic acid burn which normally accompanies a 5K. Afterwards, I completed a few more miles at an easy pace, and thought back over the years of pressured racing - enjoyable times for sure, but always bearing the burden and weighed down with the expectations of a certain finishing time. If the time wasn't met, I was upset. It didn't matter that I finished, the sense of accomplishment went out the window if I failed to hit my goal pace. Today I felt none of the pressure or weight, I simply enjoyed the event.
That same weight and pressure is carried by so many people as they live out life, trying to meet societal standards and the expectations of others. Every day it's about proving oneself worthy, judged and measured by the jobs we hold, the cars we drive, and the watch or the clothes we wear. The beautiful thing about having a faith and a relationship with God is that I now fully realize that my worthiness was established a long time ago, that I am not measured by material things, but by the depth and capacity of my heart. The pressure is off. There is no goal or pace to hit - oh there is a finish line, but we'll all get there someday and I've learned that the key is to enjoy the course along the way - to take in the sights, to encourage others on their respective journeys, and to be someone who in the end is known and remembered for far more than what he had and what he accomplished. It'll be about who I was. The standard's been set, the price has been paid, the pressure is off, and we have been deemed worthy. We simply need to BELIEVE.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" - Phil 4:6-7 NIV
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